The article The Schoolmarms Tell the Terrorists to Play Nice by prof Barry Rubin is written with unusual for him harsh overtones. I can eas...

The article The Schoolmarms Tell the Terrorists to Play Nice by prof Barry Rubin is written with unusual for him harsh overtones. I can eas...
This item is of a personal interest to me: The Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper said authorities recommended the 1.5 million truck drivers in ...
The thesis seems to be conclusively proven by this : Two Turkish men were hospitalized on arrival to Turkey after drinking camel's milk ...
A real drama, but thankfully, with a happy ending. Anorak has a special opinion on the reasons for this attempt.
The sentence that caught my attention in this article is at the end of the quote: The official, described as having direct knowledge of an ...
And this is the problem with the moral outrage of moral people who recoil at the killing. If their anger is devoid of context and forgetful ...
From here .
Council Winners *First place with 3 1/3 votes! Joshuapundit – A Game Change In Syria Second place with 2 votes – Bookworm Room - The Lef...
The article starts with an interesting quote, to whit "An Iranian official is saying the country may open a controversial military sit...
Good news for me: Engineers at Chicago-based Boeing Co. used sacks of potatoes as stand-ins for passengers as they worked to eliminate weak...
Judeopundit aka Yitzchak Goodman on the moronic ruminations of the so called professor. An exceptionally elegant takedown. And a must read...
Tit for tat in US-Russia relationship is one of many traditions surviving the demise of the Soviet Union. The story of Dmitry Yakovlev bill,...
As the old IDF saying goes: "This is what you have and with it you must win". This ToI article shows clearly that Bibi is what we...
In a normal course of events I would have skipped this blighted subject: verbal shenanigans of a certain imam or pastor or rabbi are interes...
Of course, the article attracted me purely out of prurient interest. As such, an extended quote is on the way: An Australian court has rule...
Council Submissions Joshuapundit - A Game Change In Syria The Noisy Room – Big Business and Marxist Collusion – Bourgeois Socialism The Po...
Shaun , being an expert in that stuff, will definitely detect the image in the picture: Me, I am stumped - no Christmas miracle for me. Full...
This is for Jewish and philo-semitic lovers of Tolkien and all things Middle Earth. It's okay to be a fan, because Tolkien was not only ...
Here's a turn up for the books: HRW "blasts Hamas for targeting Israeli civilians with rockets". This comes, of course, just ...
To all our Christian and non-denominational friends wherever and whoever you are. And for a smile: And for the cat lovers (my kind of people...
The Times of Israel has this story , which starts with the following quote: "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said Israel wa...
I should have know that I spoke too soon. No sooner had I pressed "send" on the previous item (that and this one via The Elder of ...
The Times of Israel has stumbled across a new virus apparently targeting Iranian computer systems. That's the reason for the heading to...
Another year, another Christmas. The survivors of the Mayan end of the days are blearily opening their eyes looking forward to some hearty c...
Yep, as the story is told : A Texas woman told authorities she was trying to shoot a skunk with a handgun when she accidentally shot her hus...
The rest of that psalm (the exact fate of the right hand) is disputed in its various English translations , but a recent case of forgetting ...
And it belongs to a BBC article: GM sprouts 'could blow away flatulence'
Council Winners *First place with 4 votes! The Right Planet – Talking Past Each Other Second place with 3 votes – Joshuapundit- The Newt...
The following comes from The Tablet, with the second link coming from the Haaretz article The Tablet links to. It suggests that UN sources (...
What did they depict first on the Canadian flag that they had to cover with a maple leaf afterward? *** 5 symptoms of laziness: 1... *** If ...
I don't know - let the better hot search win. And I don't know whether calling one's daughter Favor is worse than believing some...
That's a fact : Rabbi Shmuel Rabinovitch, who oversees Jerusalem’s Western Wall, said a worshiper found an envelope at the site Wednesda...
If you have never seen this PC-inspired series of e-mails from an alleged Human Resources Director of a medium sized company, you should rea...
Our signals department is rarely sleeping on the job, and this time wasn't exceptional: the electronic ink has barely dried, and the inf...
Catching the moment - isn't this what photography is all about? From here .
Council Submissions The Right Planet – Talking Past Each Other The Colossus of Rhodey – It’s Time For “Fun With ‘Progressives’” The Poli...
It pays to be prepared, and here are some Russians who, out of civic responsibility, offer a free end of the world service: Тhe ad above say...
On a very light note (sort of), and via The Elder of Ziyon , comes this small item . Note the spelling (and I guess the pronounciation) of t...
Here's a short item from The Times of Israel , to be filed in the "If only..." column. Typical quote (just about sums the thre...
Winston Churchill famously said that "To jaw, jaw is better than to war, war". He was talking during the Cold War, a phrase he had...
The first category mentioned above is not a big surprise for anyone who watches the news from Northern Europe - the cradle of most progressi...
Mostly gentlemen, I guess, but who knows: I don't have any access to statistics of that kind. Anyway, here is the gist of the news : If ...
Farmer Jones and farmer Smith, or Parable of Proportionality . Wild West circa 18.. It was a warm and sunny April morning. Farmer Jones was ...