The article by Peter Beinart on the brand new secretary of defense only confirmed for me the two things I already knew: that I admire Peter...

The article by Peter Beinart on the brand new secretary of defense only confirmed for me the two things I already knew: that I admire Peter...
The title to this piece isn't meant to be funny or ironic: it's a genuine question. According to the Times of Israel, Ahmanedinejad...
I posted an article over on the UK website engage online, which was founded by academics to fight the proposed boycott of Israeli (and only...
That headline immersed me in some grave thoughts. First of all because I have tasted Bud once. And than, of course, because of the immortal...
This post is not so much about what the Oscar nominee Emad Burnat says. It's more about things he doesn't mention. Burnat's and ...
Council Submissions The Colossus of Rhodey – Question of the Day The Noisy Room – An Islamic Coup in India – Mughalistan Joshuapundit - W...
I think I like the presidential candidate for the post of US secretary of defense more and more. A man who is able to use metaphor so fluent...
This is to go with that long article/interview with Rabbi Dov Lipman of Yesh Atid and the video of Yair Lapid at the orthodox college (whic...
"The New York Daily News published an op-ed Monday by BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) founder Omar Barghouti—and then summaril...
"Iran was quick last week to blame “mercenaries and supporters” of Israel for Shateri’s death, although it made no indication that he h...
If the case against Shehrbano "Sherry" Rehman, Pakistan’s ambassador to the U.S., is indeed going to proceed, this will create a ...
Today with Judeopundit, showing another angle of this day.
Mad Haiku does cool things to get one smile here goes the day Darn good .
Much of what Isi Leibler says in his article (I stole the headline from him, adding a question mark) is true, aside of his prediction: ther...
So I retweeted it . Yep.
A minor matter, but one that I couldn't resist (it may demonstrate that, despite my chronologically mature years, I haven't really g...
The real question is can we expect seven more gifts as good as this? And what is this: " The Free Syrian Army (FSA) is reported to have...
Now, don't blame me, I'm only a messenger. Here it goes*: The research of Mohammad Sakher led to an order for his death by the Saudi...
Council Winners *First place with 3 votes! The Right Planet – So, You Bought a Gun, Huh? Second place with 2 1/3 votes – The Noisy Roo...
Gil Troy on the scandal - in The Daily Beast , no less. Enjoy.
No, not what you think . Well, not exactly, at least.
Some people may know about the story , some wouldn't: The Israeli company, which sells a popular kitchen gadget that turns tap water int...
This story , told by Ynet with an obvious dose of gloating, is interesting by itself: London's Times newspaper says Tehran's environ...
I hope you feel you have the time to read the following very long article from the Times of Israel. It's an interview with Rabbi Dov Lip...
Just post this under the above heading, given that the article is about a surge in the sale of kosher meat in the UK, following the "h...
According to The Algemeiner , "Israel has stepped up military activity in and around Lebanon as can be witnessed by the recent detectio...
Council Submissions The Noisy Room – Obama and the Leftist Infiltration of Israeli Media Simply Jews – Guardian – confirming the obsession...
Somebody sent me this story recently. I have done my best, googling for its pedigree, but the earliest appearance I was able to find, date...
If the Brits cornered the irony market, French folks are doing quite well with sarcasm, as this article on the man they love to hate now sh...
" If the latest polls hold true , Britain appears to be two years from electing a Jewish prime minister. Labor holds its biggest lead i...
Verb: Confirm Establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts I was just making sure (establishing) that I understand the meaning of t...
The general info in the Fox article is, most probably true: The Air Force confirms that two Russian bombers on Tuesday circled the U.S. isl...
Thanks to D.B.
Islamabad, Pakistan (CNN) Pakistani police have revised the cause of a blast that killed 83 people on Saturday, saying a suicide bomber was...
According to this , Cuban and Russian physicians decided to try some unorthodox methods on their patient. "Today our commander is under...
The eggheads have a very strange way to allay a person's fears. Imagine being a hypochondriac and paranoid character like me, who is afr...
That's what they say here . Hm... does it mean that all these goings-on with drones in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen etc - all this is ju...
According to The Times of Israel , via the Hamas website al-Risala, "...Bulgarian security officials came to the hotel where the delega...
You will have heard, by now, of the Liberal-Democrat MP David Ward and his, at best borderline, antisemitic attack on Jews (again, the confl...
For more than 60 years now the issue of Palestinian refugees is kept alive and kicking by the 300 million strong Arab world, with support an...
Council Winners *First place with 3 votes! Joshuapundit – White House On Benghazi: ‘ No More Questions!! ‘ Second place with 2 1/3 vo...