Breaking News
Monday, 8 October 2012

Info Post
"The [Middle East] is in a state of flux perhaps more volatile than it has been since the end of the Ottoman empire—and in some cases, the situation is more hopeful than ever." Or so it says in the article in question. Given that The Tablet asked Elliott Abrams, Thomas Friedman, Walter Russell Mead (he of Viameadia - see below and the item from the Warped Mirror) and Aaron David Miller their views on the way ahead, the likelihood of a consensus is slim. Still, it makes for interesting reading.

Rather than try and summarise what they say, I'll just link to the article. Being who you are, you're going to disagree with me anyway, as you should. Equally important to me, it's mid-evening and there's an interesting programme coming up on the tv and I'd like to watch it now rather than the recorded version tomorrow.

But they focus on different aspects of the Middle east anyway, so that reduces the chance of consensus from the start!

By Brian Goldfarb.


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