Breaking News
Sunday, 4 November 2012

Info Post
You can imagine I had me some laughs on account of this story.
A leading Egyptian daily falsely claimed that former foreign minister Tzipi Livni conducted sexual relations with Arab officials during her years as a Mossad agent in an attempt to entrap them, and used what it said was a 2009 interview with The Times of London as ostensible proof.

The article in Al-Masri Al-Youm, an independent and widely read Egyptian daily, was headlined: “Livni: I had sex with Arabs in return for ‘political concessions.’” It featured prominently in the paper’s Saturday print edition and was still leading its website on Sunday afternoon. The article went up on Al-Masry Al-Youm’s website Friday night and was its most widely read story over the weekend. It had garnered 20,000 Facebook shares and 1,800 tweets as of Sunday morning, and was quoted extensively in Egyptian and Arab media.
The overexcited Egyptian readers may not be sated yet with frisson they got imagining whatever they did, so here is another photo of Tsipi for them to peruse:

Oops, sorry, a printing error, here is the correct picture:

So go ahead, dear excited readers, peruse. But in moderation, please.

I thought that this could round up the whole story, but then I've stumbled on another article in the same ToI (Times of Israel). And, of course, it shows clearly that ToI are the guilty party, causing the whole uproar in Egypt by publishing that one, titled What the Mossad’s female agents do — and don’t do — for the sake of Israel. The article carries another picture that may be even more exciting to the same group of readers:

It shows the one and only Bar Refaeli playing a Mossad seductress... oy vey...
(I am really concerned now about the above mentioned group: please leave this photograph for tomorrow or something. Try to control yourself, anyway.)

Unfortunately, the article's thrust caused me a grave concern. It says, for example:
“We use our femininity because any means is valid,” confirmed Efrat, the most senior female operational commander in the Mossad. “But even if we think that the way to advance the mission is to sleep with [Iranian President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s chief of staff, no one in the Mossad would allow us to do it. Women agents are not used for sexual purposes. We flirt, but the line is drawn at sex.”
It is bad. It is really very, very bad. I am sure that we shall see soon an article full of rage from the Haaretz' own Gideon Levy telling us that the female Mossad agents wouldn't have sex with Arabs because they (the female agents) dehumanize them (the Arabs) and thus don't see... well, you got the drift by now.

Methinks it's time to discuss the dire situation with the wannabe Elders from the Mossad and to tell these young upstarts that their operational manuals should be revised, having in mind the weight of the public opinion in general and Gideon Levy's opinion in particular.

So there.


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