Judaism does get its share of the soul-searching celebs, and at least two interesting cases came to our attention lately, thanks to ToI: Ash...

Judaism does get its share of the soul-searching celebs, and at least two interesting cases came to our attention lately, thanks to ToI: Ash...
To all out Christian friends. And some newly discovered truths to go with that greeting:
The Algemeiner has an article on a new German series on World War II. This one's different, though. It's about Poland during that p...
A few (two or three) years ago I was living in a bliss of not knowing who exactly Kim Kardashian is - believe it or not. This state of nirva...
There appears to be confirmation of the Palestinian Authority's censorship"guidance" of foreign journalists I reported previou...
Did anyone just say "freedom of speech" and/or "freedom of the press" and/or "freedom of thought"? And if not ...
Council Winners *First place with 3 votes! Joshuapundit – Narcissus In The Promised Land Redux: Obama Learns You Can’t Fool All Of The P...
That's me. Personally. And here is why : Palestinian journalist Mamdouh Hamamreh from Bethlehem was sentenced on Thursday to one year in...
happens upon a dead lion's body, the worm could consider itself a victor. In a way. But even a worm wouldn't dance on the dead body,...
Because of that annoying Elder's habit to connect the dots, here is the news : For collectors Faulkner’s 1949 medal, his Nobel diploma a...
Anne Bayefsky speaks at Human Rights Council, Geneva, March 18, 2013:
PMW turns up some amazing stories quite regularly. This one is no exception. After the UN vote in November 2012, the PA built a monument in...
Council Submissions The Noisy Room – Islamic Dogs of War – The Use Of Gang-Rape to Subjugate Infidels and Those that Resist The Political ...
is the headline on this article from The Commentator. Written by Peter C. Glove & Michael J. Economides, it argues that many observers ...
Believe it or not : The airport said the woman, a foreigner, was found to have a bottle of liquid in her luggage at Guangzhou Baiyun Interna...
Hat tip: Y.Z.
I still hope against all hope that this is a bad joke. It is difficult to imagine a world where one can't stop by Jams' (Shaun Downe...
I wasn't raised in a particularly religious Jewish environment, but these days when I see an article titled like On Questioning the Jewi...
And more on the subject, since we are at it:
More details by Joshuapundit . Update : Looks like this was just a bit of wishful thinking. Apparently the famous Iranian quail sent to him ...
To make it clear: I am not an ardent supporter of curbing the right to free speech, even in cases like this one. However, the story is wort...
"Four years on, Egyptians who attended the Cairo University speech feel let down, a view that hardened when Obama, who has had a volati...
Council Winners *First place with 2 2/3 votes! The Noisy Room – Marxism in Education – The Infiltration of Our School Systems by the Com...
I don't know about you, but I'm definitely conflicted over this issue. The far right and the far left are equally abhorrent to me. I...
"The Obama administration refused to participate in a U.N. Human Rights Council meeting on Israeli settlements and slammed the body for...
Whether he means to or not, Prof. Levine (philosophy at the U of Massachusetts) manages to employ antisemitic tropes in his argument that th...
The problem is obviously ancient, dating from the decision of that caveman to postpone taking out the garbage for tomorrow or, at least, for...
This is a (rare) case when I have to disagree with a co-blogger, and a distinguished one at that - professor Brian Goldfarb. And, by proxy, ...
Then there is this to add to the posting on Lord Ahmed . It's also from the engage website, but shows Guardian Deputy-Editor Michael Wh...
Engageonline has this item on the first Muslim peer in the UK, Lord Ahmed, and his antisemitic outburst. Note that the Labour Party has sus...
He he he... Filched from Louise .
Council Winners *First place with 3 votes! The Razor – What If The Experts Are Wrong About North Korea? Second place with 1 2/3 vo...
Some time ago I have tried to get our readers acquainted with the phenomenon of a Stalinist throwback, one Alexander Prokhanov . While readi...
But I have to applaud the author's generosity, easily proven by the list of the protagonists: A serial killer who is raping and stabbing...
But even this will not help the Argentina's national team in the Mondial next year. No, sir.
Let the narrative unfurl slowly and don't ask questions about the headline meanwhile, please. Although, to tell the truth, I am not tota...
Council Submissions The Colossus of Rhodey – Do We Need Overseers To Make Sure We Don’t Destroy Ourselves? The Noisy Room – Beware the Dr...
When you consider Mahmoud The Mad to be one of the most pious Muslims in history, think again. Apparently under the familiar (and dear by n...