Breaking News
Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Info Post
The Caudillo bought the farm after all, and the tone of the national discourse was set by his surviving second in command, Mr Maduro:
Venezuelan Vice President Nicolas Maduro said on Tuesday the cancer afflicting Hugo Chavez was an "attack" by enemies among a barrage of conspiracies against him throughout his 14-year rule.
And, of course, the usual conspinuts are coming out of the woodwork for a short while to amplify that crapola. No links anymore, but here are some quotes:
Mossad and CIA have poisoned President Hugo Chavez of Venezuela with a carcinogen. They have a declared policy of targetted assasinations, using Drones and human agents.
My 6th sense alerted me yesterday on the martyrdom of Hugo Chavez. He was a great saint from the Christendom, who loved muslim people.
Within hours of the announcement of the death of President Hugo Chávez, civil rights groups in the United States filed Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) demands with federal agencies seeking information and documents that "relate to or reference or discuss any information regarding or plans to poison or otherwise assassinate the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chávez." The records demands have been made to the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of State, and the Defense Intelligence Agency and have been filed by the civil rights legal organization, the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, the anti-war group, ANSWER Coalition and Liberation Newspaper.
Oh well, you all know the drill by now. Let the festivities start...

Update: more from Mr Maduro:
Maduro on Tuesday wasted no time in laying blame for the executive’s deteriorating situation, suggesting he was poisoned and comparing his illness to that suffered by late Palestinian President Yasser Arafat before his death. The PA accused Israel for Arafat’s death, claiming he was killed by the Jewish state.
Easy pickings...


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