I didn't like the unbridled attack on Clint after his appearance in that Republicans' do. No one attacks Clint and remains unscathe...

I didn't like the unbridled attack on Clint after his appearance in that Republicans' do. No one attacks Clint and remains unscathe...
Local contribution - not bad, if you ask me: What he says is: "At around this point there aren’t any chips anymore and it’s all just ai...
According to Saudi Arabia’s Al-Arabiya itself : A special news program showcasing newly-leaked and highly-classified Syrian security documen...
Of course, it's easier to criticize than to create. This is why some people sit in their comfy armchairs and write two-penny posts and o...
Requiring cell phone companies to provide access to individuals whereabouts by law without a warrant is a step too far. This is only a short...
This is from the Jewish Chronicle and is contained in two articles. The first is summarised in the paper's own headline: "Time for...
Of course, the responses were immediate and in the very wide spectrum. I chose the entertaining series, like this one: More where this one c...
Council Winners *First place with 3 1/3 votes! Joshuapundit – Shoot The Messenger – US State Dept Blasts CNN For Revealing Its Misreprese...
Every year the painful issue of the political and (as a result) military blunders by Israeli leaders in the days before the war is raised a...
From Mick Hartley : Holocaust-denier Israel Shamir, recently discovered gracing the pages of the Morning Star with his views on Pussy Riot,...
In the face of this insult , we should unite and show them* that our feelings are not to be futzed with. Only after we burn down a few embas...
"Inattention may cause an evening without sex"
I love the irony of this one! From the same issue of The Tablet as the item below on Israel as a modern Sparta, comes this gem from Danny A...
I'm not sure that I agree with this thesis, but The Tablet has an item looking at a new book by a US journalist, Patrick Tyler, who has...
She is a good actress. In fact, and I am saying this carefully, not being a connoisseur, she is a wonderful actress. Her acting is one of th...
Them cyclists were asking for a long time to be taken down a notch or two, if you ask me. Which you don't, of course. But anyway. It was...
Warning : a long post. My personal concern about the behavior of US administration in the current wave of Islamist "outrage" again...
Agents stopped the bus at a checkpoint in Sierra Blanca, Texas, Wednesday night and arrested the singer after a drug-sniffing dog detected c...
That was a new one : A spying device disguised as a rock at Iran’s Fordo nuclear facility blew up when it was discovered by Iranian security...
Who could possibly resist a title like that? Even if one isn't a film buff or even a film-goer. Anyway, The Tablet tells us that Pitt h...
If you're anything like me (and this has little, if anything, to do with personal politics), you will probably have assumed that most US...
Amicus Plato, sed magis amica veritas In other words, "Plato is my friend, but truth is a better friend". Now that you all are tho...
Lifted with thanks from gnotalex .
Highly educational . Enjoy.
If someone tried to feed me a PB and J* sandwich, I would probably fight to death for my right not to touch it. The mere idea... bleh... How...
Well, strictly speaking, not a headline in its pristine version, but still: Abbas threatens to step down - Is it that day of the month alre...
Council Winners *First place with 4 1/3 votes! Joshuapundit – Islam and Not Islam: Fantasy Vs. Reality In The West Second place with 4...
I swear that if I see another headline like this anytime soon, I shall pick up some weapons, ammo and do the whole deed by myself - just to...
Just because.
Paris is already rocking with the new European HQ: But the plans for Middle East seem to be on ice: In near future FEMEN plans to open offi...
The on-line front page of Fox News carries today a pair of articles, interesting mainly because the on-line editor decided to couple them to...
As expected, the inside story of "Innocence of Muslims" is unraveling pretty fast under the scrutiny of the media and (somewhat) o...
This time two separate greetings - one to the seniors: And for the youngsters:
No, that "primate" in the title is not a typo. The story is a bit unusual, that's all: Three men have been arrested in Delhi ...
Shaun aka Jams of The Poor Mouth made a prediction : I get the feeling that the editor of Closer (the French version, not the British vers...
I like this one. Israeli technology and know how strikes a blow for the human race, yet again. And does anyone care? (Rhetorical question) A...
You know, the one blamed for the attacks on American Embassies and Consulates in Libya and Egypt - and the murder of the US Ambassador to Li...
Council Winners *First place with 3 2/3 votes! The Noisy Room – The Mosaic Of War Second place with 3 1/3 votes – Joshuapundit – How Th...
As it happens frequently in the Muslim world, another manifestation of rage already took several lives, including that of American ambassado...