Breaking News
Thursday, 20 September 2012

Info Post
If someone tried to feed me a PB and J* sandwich, I would probably fight to death for my right not to touch it. The mere idea... bleh...

However, one can take the resistance to PB and J sandwiches into a totally different dimension. The one of Political Correctness, that rarified atmosphere where oxygen-deficient brains of humorless idiots, best and finest of the bureaucratic elite, tirelessly invent regulations that promote their PC god(dess?). And, incidentally, allow them to keep their worthless jobs and even add new ones for their coreligionists.
Quite a few eyebrows were raised by a Portland, Ore., report that found traces of racism in the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

The study is aimed at uprooting the subtle ways schools foist majority viewpoints on minority students. Its authors decided that telling children a PB and J sandwich is the quintessential American kids lunch sends a message of inferiority to students whose families hail from places where peanut butter and jelly comes on a pita or corn husk.
Frankly, I don't know what shocked me more: the mere idea of putting PB and J on a pita or the so called "study"...

And an even more startling picture comes to light if you add the following:
Aside from its sandwich anxiety, the report, prepared by the Pacific Educational Group (PEG), frets that schools promote "white culture" and "white privilege" by teaching values traditionally associated with our country — values such as "rugged individualism," "adherence to rigid time schedules" and "hard work is the key to success."

Other cultures, the report suggests, place higher priority on group learning, shared property and decision making based on "what will be best for the family or group."
Yep, it's time to get rid of individualism, the anal-retentive obsession with schedules and hard work in favor of... er... group learning and shared property...  where did I hear all that already? Cannot recall for the sake of my life at the moment.

Hat tip to Louise, who, apparently, also hates PB and J sandwiches.

Update: A case of a closet racist placed high in Democratic hierarchy was brought to my attention (Thanks, Soccer Dad).
The man who would be president takes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches -- on whole wheat, strawberry jelly preferred to grape -- twice a day on the campaign trail.
Twice a day - a real hard case, I say. At least we can be reasonably sure he will not become a POTUS.

(*) Sorry about the use of "and" in "PB and J". Apparently a multibillion company very close to ruling the world is unable to fix a small but nasty ampersand problem in Blogger. 


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