Breaking News
Monday, 17 September 2012

Info Post
As expected, the inside story of "Innocence of Muslims" is unraveling pretty fast under the scrutiny of the media and (somewhat) of the law enforcement. And the real protagonists become known.
A schlock softporn director named Alan Roberts has been identified as the director of the film that ridicules Muslims and the prophet Muhammed and has incited violent protests across the Middle East, according to a report by Gawker published Saturday.
And the outfit that provided the shooting location came to light too:
According to the Associated Press, Media for Christ, a nonprofit that raised more than $1 million in 2011 "to glow Jesus' light" to the world, was listed as the production company for the film.
Most of Innocence of Muslims was shot in about two weeks inside a squat warehouse that serves as the offices of Media for Christ, according to Eric Moers.
According to the same linked source, Media for Christ provided most of the financing as well, although the answer to this question is not finalized yet.

It is worth mentioning that, like the mysterious Bacile/Nakoula, the movie director Alan Roberts has at least one additional moniker, Robert Brownell. And under this moniker he, apparently, produced this interesting testimony. Don't laugh, please - possibly making the movie about Mo was for him a way to repent...

But meanwhile, the initial interview by the Egyptian fraudster, where he declared himself Jewish and talked about the one hundred mythical Jewish sponsors has done the inevitable damage*. This Ynet article offers a sampler of resulting responses in the Arab world. I have chosen only one for this post:

And this is the way it goes...

(*) I have to qualify that: even if Nakoula/Bacile/... hadn't mentioned the Jews, there is a high probability the Jews would have been blamed anyway, but he certainly made the job easier for Muslim Jew-haters.


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