Breaking News
Sunday, 30 September 2012

Info Post
I didn't like the unbridled attack on Clint after his appearance in that Republicans' do. No one attacks Clint and remains unscathed. I cannot say that Obama personally participated in these attacks, but there is some justice in what has happened today in UPI coverage of UN sessions. Here is the picture that refers to Obama appearance in UN on the front page of UPI on-line site:

The capture says "Obama addresses the United Nations". I think that now even Clint's sworn enemies must confess that sometimes poetic license is truer than the life itself.

To make sure you don't suspect your humble servant here in Photoshop trickery, here is a snapshot of the relevant part of UPI's front page (click to enlarge):

Well, after you enter the article, the picture is uncropped and of higher quality:

And the capture under this specific picture reads:
United States President Barack Obama exits after addressing the United Nations at the 67th United Nations General Assembly in the UN building in New York City on September 25, 2012.
Still, I declare that someone on UPI on-line editing team does have a somewhat cruel sense of humor.


Oh, and that too.


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