Alexander Prokhanov , as his short Wiki entry tells, is " a Soviet and Russian writer. He is a member of the secretariat of the Writers...

Alexander Prokhanov , as his short Wiki entry tells, is " a Soviet and Russian writer. He is a member of the secretariat of the Writers...
The headlines are many and in part contradictory: Starting with: Israeli jets reportedly attack convoy on Lebanon-Syria border Israeli jets...
This is what this amounts to: Israel became the first country to boycott a required U.N. review of countries' human-rights practices, c...
Eyeglasses or not, and grey cells's state notwithstanding, when I have seen the headline: Apple releases new iPad with 128 GB of storage...
Nothing to do with depreciating vision and the old gray cells dying out. So, when I've seen the headline Three arrested in Oompa Loompa ...
Council Submissions The Colossus of Rhodey – Ah, a gun control Dopey WNJ Letter of the Week Joshuapundit - How The UK Sunday Times Observe...
The name of the Israeli football team - Beitar Jerusalem - probably doesn't mean anything to most fans of sports in general and even foo...
Noun: fundament *. 1. The fundamental assumptions from which something is begun, developed, calculated or explained 2. The fleshy part of t...
Poster's disclaimer: The article discussed in this post starts with a disclaimer: Editor’s note: Charles Armstrong is the director of th...
So far the only source is Reza Kahlili , and the only venue is WND, which doesn't make the news very reliable, but as far as wishful thi...
The capture under that picture in the collection says: "Singer Taylor Swift arrives for the 70th annual Golden Globe Awards held at ...
The following could be solely a matter of perception of course, but it's up to you to be the judge and the jury. As it is told in the ar...
Council Winners *First place with 3 votes! Bookworm Room – To win the future, conservatives need to give voters a positive image of a ca...
Well, not here, that for sure. Besides, as they say , "commenters seem to disagree whether it’s actually a bloody tampon she’s using or...
Now that she is on the way out and doesn't have to toe the line, Ms Clinton has suddenly deviated from the official WH line that says t...
Some of you may remember having fun with the penchant of good old Leonid Ilyich to award various Soviet medals to himself: Of course, he was...
Here it goes: Weather: cloudless, 26 degrees (C), dry. What else: not a lot...
Francis Sedgemore, by his own definition a middle-aged grump with a disdain for collectivist ideologies*, posted several articles on the sub...
A set of dire (but not surprising) predictions by David Horovitz: Storm warning .
About something I wanted to avoid: as of today, only registered guests will be allowed to comment. Obviously, this is due to a sharp increas...
I couldn't resist this item, either, from normblog (see below). It's a link to an article by Tom Doran , who says of himself that ...
Earlier, that is, than the one you're thinking of. I came across this item via normblog , the blog of Norman Geras, retired Professor of...
This story is not exactly new, it is just that it surfaced again recently, on a Middle Eastern Internet site of unclear provenance (but bas...
Shaun raises his voice in defense of these creatures what have a perfect right to live, I submit: And they are nicely colored to boot. As S...
I've stumbled on a (new to me) appearance of Jonathan Freedland under the auspices of Open Zion section of the Daily Beast, edited by Pe...
Council Winners *First place with 2 2/3 votes! The Right Planet – Disunity in the Republic Second place with 2 1/3 votes – The Mellow Jih...
Council Submissions The Noisy Room – Battered America Syndrome The Political Commentator – Can the Obama administration be compared to the...
There is so much that was already said about the Hagel's nomination that the hearings in his case could be canceled in favor of quick ba...
Now, now, please keep you undies untangled. It is Google Translate, of course, and for all I know it skewed the meaning. The single word in ...