Breaking News
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Info Post
The information about the royal blood in Kerry's veins is not new, it was unearthed in 2004. Here comes the Russian Kommersant:
John Kerry has the noblest blood of all the American presidents. His ancestors include Czar Ivan the Terrible as well as Princes Dolgoruky and Obolensky.
They were too hasty in Kommersant, crowning Kerry at the time.

They also overlooked another, a more sinister connection:
Benedikt Kohn, the great-grandfather of Senator John Kerry, was born about 1824 in southern Moravia. Benedikt was successful as a master brewer of beer.
So, what do we have here? A descendant of one of the more choleric kings since Herod's times, carrying some Jewish blood (albeit filtered somewhat by being converted to Roman Catholicism).

Must know his beer, too.

Anyway, to dispel any doubts about the royal lineage, here is what modern forensic  science came up with:

 Compare with the ancestor:

I consider the issue resolved. Don't you?


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